Our Classroom

Welcome to our classroom!! The Purpose of this website is to provide information to parents, students, and teachers. Parents will find information on curriculum, procedures, school policy, and stay informed on topics that affect their child.




·      You are expected to complete your daily work and turn things in on time. 

·      You are responsible for your education and learning.  Please don’t try to give your responsibility to someone else.

·      Always attempt the work on your own first. If you don’t understand something – PLEASE ASK SOMEONE FOR HELP! 

·      You are expected to pay attention, listen, ask questions, take notes, and complete assigned work in class. 

·      You will be expected to stay alert in all classes.  Value your education by getting a good nights sleep and eating healthy.

·      You are expected to be an honest and responsible student.  Therefore, lying, cheating, or stealing of other peoples work or property will not be tolerated.

·      Have fun with your education!


Here are some things to help your child have a successful year

  1. Behavior: This year we will use Class Dojo to help us monitor and track student behavior. Class Dojo allows me to provide points to your child for behavior in the classroom as well as take points away to help us monitor and track areas where your child may be struggling and need more support (such as blurting out or leaving their seat without permission). Class Dojo features the points system which the students will be able to redeem for class prizes. The best part of Class Dojo is that if you also sign up using the login information sent home with your child, you will be able to monitor how your child is doing in school each day and week. There is also a messaging feature so you can contact me with questions or concerns.
  2. Homework: I send home homework every week. The math homework comes from our Go Math curriculum and reinforces what we are doing in class. We will review the homework together each day. Spelling lists will be sent home for each story with practice tests on Thursday and final test on Friday. Students should be reading at home every night for 20 minutes and practicing their multiplication tables every night also.
  3. Reading Expectations: It is extremely important that your child be reading every single night. Please be sure your child is reading each night with a book of their choice. You will be asked to sign their agenda showing that it has been completed. It's very easy to tell which students aren't actually reading at home because their reading at school is not fluent. Please support reading at home.
  4. Friday Folders: Folders will come home on Friday. Inside of the folder will be information and reminders from the school as well as any completed work that needs to go home. The weekly homework packet will also be included in the folder. Please help your child keep track of their folder.



Multiplication Timed Tests

Class Dojo


Lets Have A Great Year!!!